can you please help me to unlock this phone? palm treo 500 IMEI: 357776010417834.
palm treo 500
When you have a Palm Treo 500, you won`t need a laptop to stay connected. This smartphone allows you to email, chat through Instant Messaging, browse the web, organise your tasks, play music, as well as record video and audio chunks.
CNET Asia. The most compact Treo available here has some user-friendly features--but because of its lack of some essential connectivity options, that isn`t enough to set it apart from other WM6 smart phones already available. read more& ...
Bonjour, Je débute en J2ME et je viens de m`acheter un Palm Treo 500 qui tourne sous Windows Mobile 6. Pour une raison que j`ignore, Palm n`a pas...
can you please help me to unlock this phone? palm treo 500 IMEI: 357776010417834.
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